Watershed Moments is a podcast where a group of professional therapists sit down and discuss real life, everyday mental health issues in ways that you can relate with. We discuss the issues from multiple perspectives to help give you a glimpse into some of the things we see and have learned over the years of doing counseling. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or anywhere you listen to podcasts.


Communication & Conflict

In this podcast series, therapists Ly Tran, LPC-Supervisor + Laura Harrison, LPC + Adrian Jones, LPC-Intern discuss various aspects of communication and conflict. Whether it’s marriage, parenting, friends or even at work, conflict is an everyday part of life and one that causes a lot more mess and suffering than it needs to. Listen while we unpack ways to get better command over your conflicts. And if you’re interested in going deeper, definitely check out our Rules of Engagement course that goes in-depth and into detail on how to fight better in your marriage.

Grief & Loss

Therapists Jenny Wang, LPC-Supervisor + Dieula Previlon, LPC + Ly Tran, LPC-Supervisor sit for a podcast discussion around loss and grieving. Listen as the discuss various aspects of loss commonly experienced and often times unnoticed. Each shares their unique perspectives both from their profession experience as therapists, but also from their own personal stories of loss and suffering.